You are welcome to detail your pet policies to help ensure a good match with your potential guests. The only requirement we have at this time is that you must allow pets to sleep indoors with their people, without being forced to be confined to a specific area not typically occupied by their people (ie. "pets permitted only inside the laundry room or garage"). However, you may be interested to know that people traveling with pets frequently comment on the following two policies:
Please consider offering those traveling with pets a choice of staying in a non-smoking room. As you know, the smell of smoke can be bothersome to non-smokers, and many pet owners do not smoke. Some lodgings have set aside a couple of "pet-friendly, non-smoking rooms" just for this purpose.
Travelers with large dogs have often expressed their frustration with finding accommodations -- despite having friendly, well-behaved pets that make excellent guests.
Please consider allowing pets on an individual basis, rather than using a blanket policy based on size. Pets are individuals just like people are -- and by permitting well-behaved pets of all sizes, you'll have the opportunity to book more rooms as well as earn a happy customer.